Personal Training with Ireland’s Leading Fat Loss and Muscle Gain Specialists
Are you tired of not seeing the results you want or maybe you don’t even know where to start? At The ABS Gym, we specialise in no-nonsense personal training tailored to your goals, whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain, or improving overall fitness. Work with our expert trainers in a semi-private, supportive gym in Dublin's city centre, and if you don’t achieve the results you want, we’ll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
Take the first step today—complete the contact form to book your FREE consultation and claim your complimentary introductory training session. There’s no risk, just results.
Personal Training with Ireland’s Leading Fat Loss and Muscle Gain Specialists
Are you tired of not seeing the results you want or maybe you don’t even know where to start? At The ABS Gym, we specialise in no-nonsense personal training tailored to your goals, whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain, or improving overall fitness. Work with our expert trainers in a semi-private, supportive gym in Dublin's city centre, and if you don’t achieve the results you want, we’ll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
Take the first step today—complete the contact form to book your FREE consultation and claim your complimentary introductory training session. There’s no risk, just results.

Get Fit With Some Of The
Most Qualified & Experienced
Personal Trainers in Ireland
Welcome to The ABS Gym, my name is Bryan Kavanagh.
I own and operate the ABS Gyms, personal training studios and gyms in Dublin. My fitness journey started at the age of 6 when I started Tae-Kwon-Do. I became obsessed with being able to kick like, and ultimately look like, the martial artists and actors I grew up watching. This sparked in me a passion, obsession even, for nutrition and training outside of Tae-Kwon-Do and I began reading all about nutrition, anatomy, and physiology. I know what you’re thinking, “what kind of weird teenager starts reading that stuff at thirteen years of age?”
Eh, me.
I’ve been studying informally for the last 20 and formally for the last 13 years to bring you the most effective training and nutrition programs that you can possibly hope for.
There are no gimmicks in this field. There are tried, tested and proven methods that work and then there is nonsense that doesn’t work. Take a minute to look at the results we’ve achieved and hear what our customers have to say about working with The ABS Gyn.
Anyway, I’ll stop there. I’m delighted you landed on our website and hope you take the time to have a look around, read some of the material and ultimately sign up for a free consultation with either myself, or one of the highly qualified personal trainers that work in the ABS Gyms.
Bryan Kavanagh. BSc. CSCS

No-Nonsense Approach
In The ABS Gym, we spend more time looking at scientific journals, research and real-world information, not silly fitness or gossip magazines that can only steer you in the wrong direction.

Experienced Coaches
We have some of the best and most experienced coaches in the country that boast an array of qualifications and accolades. They range from scientists and world champions to world level strength coaches, powerlifters and martial artists.

Off-peak Sessions
Enquire about our off-peak training sessions if you want to train with a personal trainer but you can't justify the cost. Lunchtime or off-peak sessions might suit you best.

Real-World Nutrition
Our nutrition plans can be as complex or as bland as it needs to be. Some people do not have time to prepare meals and run around shopping for four hours per week. We will teach you how to overcome time restrictions.

Practical Exercises
You will not be asked to do any outlandish exercises and will definitely not be asked to do anything that you are unable to do or that is outside your level of ability.

Our Full Support
When you start training with the ABS Gym, you are not only starting training but are entering into a support system that ranges from personal training, programming (for when you aren't with us), nutrition, lifestyle management and, most of all - accountability.

Personal Trainers
& Coaches
One year from now,
you will wish you had
started today

Member App
Download your program, exercise tutorials,
meal plans, direct access to a coach,
cookbooks and more, all in one app.
Check Schedules, Book Online Training & Manage Your Profile all through one convenient app

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