Personal training

The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - TRX

TRX Training Exercises

You’re probably aware of the new craze that is TRX Training. If you haven’t heard about it I’ll explain below and hopefully, you leave with some idea of what TRX exercises are useful and which ones suck. Before you get too excited let me just explain to you what exactly TRX is. TRX training is actually […]

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The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - Hippy Nutrition

Personal Trainers Recommending Hippy Nutrition

I have been considering posting this for some time but some of the shite I’ve seen and heard lately is really hurting my brain so here it is. This may not sit well with you and, quite frankly, I don’t care. I know around 50 personal trainers and a couple hundred trainees/clients who will disagree

Personal Trainers Recommending Hippy Nutrition Read More »

The ABS Gym - Personal Training Dublin - 9 Things That Bug Me about the gym

9 things that bug me about the gym

I had so many things that I wanted to write about today that I decided to compress it all down and summarize all of the posts into one mainly because I’m feeling a little lazy. I get a little antagonistic but I think it’s warranted and it might actually help some people. So here we

9 things that bug me about the gym Read More »

The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - Warm-up

Warming Up Like A Boss

Do you warm up correctly? Do you skip your warm up or better yet, jump on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes to get the ‘heart rate going’? It’s boring and I know you’re in a hurry but warming up correctly you will help improve your performance and decrease the chances of picking up injuries. Spending

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You think you're too old to train

Too old for training?… Think again!

The question “how old are you?” is a touchy subject once people go over 40 years old. Girls always respond with “23 again” or a vague “late twenties” and guys always have something stupid to say like “still 21 down there, whaaa”. Anyways, we were talking about it in the gym the other day and

Too old for training?… Think again! Read More »