Hayley Nolan
Personal Trainer
From a very young age I always was very active. I tried every sport under the sun - dancing, GAA, soccer, swimming and even a disastrous stint in majorettes. While I really enjoyed sports and being active, I was no shining star in any of these disciplines. Nonetheless, when I was 7 years old my dad brought me to a local Taekwondo fight night. From the minute I saw the sport I was hooked. I began training the very next week and fell in love with everything kicking, punching and spinning.
Ever since, my passion for Taekwondo has given me many opportunities and rewarding experiences. It enabled me to be so successful at it that I was placed on the Irish National Taekwondo Team and have represented Ireland at Junior European Championships and under 21 Championships. I have also secured the Irish Champion title many times over.
Training Taekwondo taught me discipline from a very young age. That discipline was essential for the the sport's weight controlled nature that gave me a strong background in nutrition and has furthermore sparked my interest for all things health and training.
Ultimately, thanks to Taekwando, I decided to pursue a career in Personal Training after finishing a 4-year Bachelor Honours degree in Health and Physical Activity.
Since graduating I have focused my attention on weight control, fat loss and muscular development in females. While studying my degree, I Interned in the ABS gym in Glasnevin for 6 months in 2015 and due to my success in training dozens of clients and teaching hundreds of classes I progressed directly from finishing my science degree into full time employment with the ABS gym.
I look forward to helping you achieving your goals.
Hayley Nolan PT, BSc, Bachelor of Science (hons)