Lose 100lb

It’s likely that you have landed on this page because you have a significant amount of weight to lose. Perhaps you have been overweight your whole life. Maybe this weight gain has caught you off guard and you have just realized you have lots of weight to lose, without any idea how to do it.

Take a moment and imagine the following…

Imagine running into people you have not seen in years and having them literally not recognise who you are.

Imagine being able to walk into any clothes shop and not have to worry if they will stock your size.

For many of you, this is the stuff of a dream world. Something you have given up on ever being able to achieve. I know how it feels, I have been there. Perhaps you have tried every method imaginable to drop weight, without any success. Or maybe you did get results, but the weight piled back on and you ended up back at square one, or heavier even.

Or maybe you have never attempted to shift the weight but you are now ready to give it a go. Either way, you are about to take the first step in shedding that fat for good.

Click Play Below and Listen to John's Story

What can this program do for you?
First off, there is no quick fix in here. There is nothing that is going to reverse the weight you have gained, in the last however amount of years, overnight. You have to accept that while this book is going to make your weight loss completely inevitable and simple, it will take time and dedication.
The good news is that it’s so simple you will not be able to go wrong. (Remember, it’s simple, not easy). You will not have to give up all of the foods that you love, you will just have to be a lot smarter about how and when you consume them.

What will you learn? We will explain why you have stored so much body fat. (It’s not as simple as eating too much and not moving enough) You will learn why that friend of yours never gains weight even though they eat the same stuff you do. We will explain why previous attempts at losing it have failed, or why the weight came back very quickly in cases where you did lose some. We will leave you with knowledge that will get you lean and keep you lean for the rest of your life. You will learn why traditional methods of losing weight are fundamentally flawed and that a calorie is not just a calorie, and what is far more important is what your body does with that calorie. You will learn how, due to your obesity, your body is literally stopping you from losing weight efficiently, and inadvertently doing all it possibly can to store even more fat.

Will I be able for the training? The training program is designed so that literally anyone will be able to get started straight away, regardless of how physically fit you are. I appreciate that when carrying a large amount of excess weight, even the most basic exercises can be hugely challenging if even possible. When I started my own personal fat loss journey I was spent after 10 minutes of light exercise.

Will I have to starve myself for this to work? Absolutely not. You will be eating plenty of good nutritious food. You may even find yourself eating more than you are used to while still shedding that unsightly body fat. After a brief initiation period you will even be allowed your favourite ”bad” foods in careful moderation.

Jamie lost 110 lbs

When starting out I reckon I weighed ~130-135kg, I never actually weighed myself until much further down the line. Now I’m at ~74kg, wearing 32 inch waist and even that needs a belt and I’m starting to get t-shirts in ‘Small’, my bodyfat is ~11%, god only knows what it was! When I first started trying to lose weight I was doing it all wrong, just jogging for exercise, not eating enough and eating all the wrong things (Trying to avoid ‘fats’ while eating things like Noodles, potatoes etc daily, also thought eating loads of fruit was a good way to go about things).

While I did lose weight doing this that was mainly owing to how much I had to lose, it was only when I completely overhauled both diet and exercise that I saw real change. I started going to the gym as my exercise and changed my diet completely and that’s when the real results came in and when the real transition from before to after happened.

Sinead lost 65 lbs

When I first started training like this is didn’t know what to expect. After experiencing the typical fitness instructors in ‘normal’ gyms I imagined punishing workouts on treadmills and boring jargon about calories and BMI. I was wrong. When I started training with Jay in The ABS Gym I was overweight and unhappy with the way I looked. Not only am I leaner now but I’m stronger and I’m happy with the way I feel inside and out.

Bryan lost 150 lbs

Quite the transformation don’t you think? All it took was less then 1 year for me to lose 64kg
How did I do this you ask?
Well it certainly wasn’t by running on a treadmill!

I went to see Bryan and was immediately impressed by his methods, knowledge and the dedication he showed. He put me on an exercise regime that has transformed and revitalised my life. I feel good, I look good and I am the sharpest I have ever been, not only physically, but mentally too.

I never would have thought beforehand that lifting heavy things and doing interval training would have such a positive effect on my life, but there you have it! I am forever changed for the good and while it has taken a trojan effort on my part, it would not have been possible without Bryan’s efforts. He shows such confidence in his methods that it made me believe before i’d even done a single mountain climb that this

Ruth Lost 70 lbs

I nearly backed out to be honest but thought what the heck give it a go but i was worried id be the only porker in the gym! You know the feeling: that people are looking and judging. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I do actually listen to Bryan and follow the healthy eating plan. It’s not anywhere near as hard as i thought and far easier to follow then counting fecking points. I can actually live and am no longer obsessed with food.

As for the weight loss I can’t believe how easy it’s been so far. I’m not there YET but I’m well on my way. For the first time in years I’m looking forward to the summer!!

So girls give it a go cause it’s worth it believe me. If I can do it anyone can. A slimmer Ruth

Pat lost 70 lbs & is a trainer!

Hey Bryan,
I have a confession to make.

I have been training with you for about 18 months now and I am very happy with the results.

I appreciate that due to work commitments I have only managed on average perhaps one or two days per week although I have continued to train in my own gym and have been mindful of your instruction.

I feel I have achieved a lot both in fat loss and hypertrophy and with a body fat of 19% I am determined with your help to get my body fat to 15% as well as defining my abs which is my all time goal and I appreciate that diet as well as fitness training has a big role to play

As I was anxious to learn and understand the training process I enrolled in a Part Time personal trainer course.

Keep in mind some of the guys don’t necessarily have 100lb to lose and some have more than
100 lb to lose but they all do well and help each other out.

The reason the guys are so successful is… They know what they are doing.

Simple as that.

They are following a fat loss blueprint that works.

Interested in this drastic fat loss program in the new year?

Continue reading…

Take your first step & download your Free Report

FREE Download - Lose100lb Report - The ABS Gym

Downloading this report is only the beginning of your fat loss journey. But before you read the report, have a read through the rest of this page.

About the Lose100lb Program

Signing up for the Lose100lb program will make your fat loss an inevitability instead of just a dream. We only take in 10 clients at a time, as we want to make sure we give you the time and attention you need.

The program is designed for people who want:

  • to be able to walk into any clothes shop and not have to worry if they will stock your size.
  • to be on holiday in the sun and be able to go into the pool without keeping their t-shirt on.
  • to be able to do this in a public changing room without the fear of humiliation.
  • to look in the mirror after a shower and be happy with what they see.
  • to have people look at their physique with envy…..

Still not convinced?

Simply enter your details in the Sign-Up form on the upper right hand side of the page, and we'll schedule a time with you to have your Free Consultation and Introductory Training Session.

By no means is there any obligation to sign up for the program, this is simply a consultation to help guide you to your goals.

Fill in the information and look forward to your call and achieving your goals faster than you ever thought imaginable.

We can’t wait to hear about the incredible results you’ll experience in just a few short weeks from now.

Excited for your rapid fat loss success,

P.S.The Lose 100lb Program is heavily discounted compared to our usual personal training prices. For that reason there are limited places for each time we run the program. You can secure your place today by signing up for a quick call from me and seeing if the program is for you.

P.P.S.Remember, with our Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, we’re giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already have – this is the most strategic, fastest fat loss program EVER developed. So jump on board!

P.P.P.S.Have a question? We probably already answered it below:

What is the Lose100lb program and why does it work so well?
Lose100lb is an advanced training and nutritional program which uses the very latest research to get you to your desired weight as quickly as possible.

What makes Lose100lb different to other fat loss programs?
Great question, and the answer is simple -The trainer has actually lost over 100 lbs himself by using these exact methods. It’s not just theory.

What if I’m a relative beginner? Can I still do this program?
Yes! Possibly the most important thing about the program is that it caters for absolutely everybody who has weight to lose. As long as you can physically stand up, then you can get started right away with the training program.