Gain Muscle
Of course, you could keep doing what you are doing, spin your wheels for another couple of months and…
Feel like shit when you are on a night out
Have no confidence in your body
Leave your chest, arms and legs the way they are and just accept that you were “born this way”
Or you could get started with your free introductory training session and ultimately…
Gain muscle and wear that t-shirt with pride
Fill out your chest, arms and upper back without getting fat
Overcome your unfortunate genetics and surprise everyone with your new physique in a few months.
You see, most personal trainers will put you on a generic 3 sets of 12 reps, body part split program that can work for bodybuilders and people who have good genetics bestowed upon them. For most of us it is a little bit more technical than that.
Your program will be designed just for you and implemented by a personal trainer that has been in your shoes before, not some guy who has always been in good shape.
Not only will you be doing muscle building exercises. You will be shown how to do them correctly.
Stop Training and Eating Like a Girl and Get Bigger, Stronger and Turn Some Heads Next Year. Kick Start Your Body Transformation by booking a Free Consultation and Introductory Personal Training Session.
You know how intimidating it is to go into the weights area of a public gym…you’ve been there. Maybe only once because it was that bad but you know what I’m talking about.
The reason it’s intimidating is because you don't know what you’re doing.
We will fix that. We will teach you everything you need to know about training. Provide you with a program and ultimately make you confident in your ability to train.