
Luka Radilovic

<a href="">Luka Radilovic</a><span class="border-coach"></span>

My name is Luka Radilovic, and I am a 28-year-old professional personal trainer.

My journey in the world of athletics began at the tender age of 4, with a passion for swimming. Subsequently, from the age of 9 until 20, I dedicated myself to water polo, achieving a professional level of play with both my club and the national team.

Upon reaching the age of 20, I embarked on a new fitness venture by regularly attending the gym. It was here that my deep-seated passion for bodybuilding, powerlifting, and coaching blossomed.

Over the past three years, I have honed my skills as a dedicated powerlifter, with the ultimate ambition of setting multiple world records in the years ahead.

My life's mission is to positively impact as many men as possible by empowering them to attain strength, physical attractiveness, and the ability to overcome any obstacles they encounter on their life journey