Airside Bootcamp

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Don’t Take My Word For It. See What The Girls Have To Say Below.

This page would usually have pages and pages of benefits of boot camp and a picture or two of really fit looking models doing a boot camp workout with pink dumbbells but I’m not going to do that here.

Instead I will let one of the girls write the first paragraph or two about our ladies only bootcamp in Airside, Swords.

What can I say?

I would have laughed at anyone who said this time last year that by October 2012 you’ll have joined a Bootcamp in Swords and could actually manage it! I never in a million years thought I could because I thought bootcamps were for fit people.

My friend joined and kicked my ass to try it out. I nearly backed out to be honest but I thought ‘what the heck I’ll give it a go’ even though I was worried I’d be the only overweight person in the class! You know the feeling: that people are looking and judging. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I got so much encouragement and obviously still do. I’m being pushed, but in a good way and there’s no yelling. Thankfully.

As for the girls in the class, they’re fab and so welcoming. They’re great craic, which helps and also keep you motivated.

I listen and follow the healthy eating plan. It’s not anywhere near as hard as I thought and far easier to follow then counting fecking points. I can actually live and am no longer obsessed with food.

As for the weight loss I can’t believe how easy it’s been so far and I’m down over 40lbs since October/November. I’m not there yet but I’m well on my way.

For the first time in years I’m looking forward to the summer!

So girls give it a go cause it’s worth it believe me. If I can do it anyone can.

Thanks for pushing us Bryan.

A slimmer Ruth ?

In Airside Bootcamp we pride ourselves on getting results.

  • When you join our bootcamp you will be training using programs derived from our highly effective personal training programs from my personal training studio ‘The ABS Gym’ in Temple Bar. These are scientifically proven training programs that melt bodyfat and sculpt a lean physique for a fraction of the price of personal training.
  • The bootcamp training program is tailored to fit your goals which takes the pros of each training style mentioned above, leaves the cons on the side, and combines them to get you results
  • Sure, you could join a gym like everyone else and follow the herd or you could do something different. Something that actually works.
  • Airside bootcamp in Swords is the perfect solution for any female who is looking to lose fat, get stronger and ‘tone up’ in record time.
  • If you would like a fresh training schedule then this is it. Remember fat loss and conditioning is our specialty.
  • You’ll get a prescribed warm up and fresh programs monthly which include exercise descriptions to enhance your current routine. Our dynamic warm ups raise the body’s core temperature and primes the body for exercise giving you a true warm-up and to ensure you don’t get injured.
  • Oh yeah, these bootcamps are for ladies only! Don’t worry, you will not be shy, the girls from my bootcamp in Swords are all very friendly and welcome everyone into the bootcamp.
  • The Nutrition Plan is REALLY easy to follow.
  • I’m talking too much. The best thing for you to do is to just try it out. Seriously. What have you got to lose?

Jennifer lost over 3 stone training 3 times per week.

This time last year I was thinking the same old repetitive thoughts. ‘I must lose weight in the New Year etc.’ However instead of waiting, this year I decided to start in December and get a head start and I joined Airside Bootcamp in December.

For many years I had been struggling with my weight and even though I did manage to lose weight from time to time it always went back on.

At size 16 and heading for 18 I was totally fed up and self conscious about my shape.

Since I started I’ve been doing 3 classes every week and its working.

Emma found what she was looking for…

  • Our Bootcamp Burns 5 hours worth of calories in 45 minute fat burning ‘Workouts’
  • You get to use Irelands leading fat loss workouts at a fraction of the cost of Personal Training.
  • Simple, effective workouts designed for RAPID fat loss. No fluff. No BS.
  • NO crunches, sit ups or jogging.
  • Melt Fat, eliminate stress and turbo charge your energy levels with our one-of-a-kind routines .
  • Train with a friend for the most enthusiastic and motivated workouts, keeping you training hard and achieving more results
  • The Only Program of its type that GUARANTEES RESULTS.

Doreen has been at it 2 years now

Take a look at what Sabrina achieved

I get texts like these every week

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now. You CAN do this. This bootcamp can work for you. All you have to do it let me “prove it ” to you over the next couple of weeks. Call 086-123-8633 right now or Register for your FREE trial by signing up on the right hand side of this page.

P.P.S. Remember, your success is MONEY BACK GUARANTEED!

P.P.P.S. An interesting point: 30 days from now you’ll either be a month older and possibly a few pounds heavier, or, you can be a 5-10 pounds lighter and 30 days closer to your fitness goal. You decide which on you would rather be one month from now. Make sure you make the right choice and call 086-123-8633 and start your FREE trial.

Bryan Kavanagh BSc CSCS
Fat Loss Expert
Physique Transformation Specialist

Enter your email address in the box at the top of the page to receive information about the bootcamp including directions, times, days and costs.