The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - Kettlebells

Kettlebells – Useful Tool Or Fad?

Kettlebells have been around forever and used with great success by a minority of people. Kettlebells originated in Russia and were made popular by Pavel Tsatsouline and Dragon Door in 2001 and later by Mike Mahler. The use of kettlebells became widespread. Every personal trainer and bootcamp instructor went out and bought a heap of kettlebells and saw them […]

Kettlebells – Useful Tool Or Fad? Read More »

The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - Fitness

Fitness… What is ‘Fitness’ anyway and how do you increase it?

  ‘I need to get fit’ The term fitness has been thrown around a lot lately. You hear it all the time: ‘ I need to get fit’. But what does it mean?   What if I told you it didn’t make much sense at all? Increasing your fitness takes a little more than going

Fitness… What is ‘Fitness’ anyway and how do you increase it? Read More »

Weight Scale

Number 1 Fat Loss Tip

The most popular thing people are searching for on the internet these days is the ‘Best fat loss tip’ or ‘How to lose weight fast’. Well in my field anyway, people might be googling Justin Beiber or Jedward or some other crap a little more but you get my point. This is great, people want

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The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - TRX

TRX Training Exercises

You’re probably aware of the new craze that is TRX Training. If you haven’t heard about it I’ll explain below and hopefully, you leave with some idea of what TRX exercises are useful and which ones suck. Before you get too excited let me just explain to you what exactly TRX is. TRX training is actually

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The ABS Gym Dublin - Personal Trainers - Hippy Nutrition

Personal Trainers Recommending Hippy Nutrition

I have been considering posting this for some time but some of the shite I’ve seen and heard lately is really hurting my brain so here it is. This may not sit well with you and, quite frankly, I don’t care. I know around 50 personal trainers and a couple hundred trainees/clients who will disagree

Personal Trainers Recommending Hippy Nutrition Read More »