Even More Reasons To Get a Personal Trainer

Maybe you don’t need to lose fat or gain muscle, and maybe you aren’t looking to change your physical appearance.

I have heard an almost infinite number of alternative reasons for people attending our classes/ personal training but here are some of the reasons that you might not think about.

-One of the girls in the class in Swords told me, “I like the classes and all that but the main reason I’m here is because it’s a great reason to get out of the house”.

Funny Meme - What to do when you get a headache

I’m not speaking from personal experience but, from what I’ve heard, family life is tough going. Working, running errands, kids, homework, bills, traffic…It all catches up. Some people just need somewhere that they can just train and not have to think about those things for an hour.

Another one said, “I don’t want to lose weight, just feel better afterwards and after a few weeks I feel healthier and stronger, that’s good enough for me”.

Maybe you just want to train to make yourself feel better.

Whether you like it or not, most, if not all, psychological problems can and have been linked to a physiological problem or chemical imbalance in the brain.

Guess what? A lot of conditions have been proven to be alleviated, or at least improved, through exercise.


That feeling you get when you complete your workout at The ABS Gym.

I’m not claiming that exercise is the cure for any of these problems that people face, but it helps.

One of the lads in Temple bar told me, “Yeah, I probably could train myself but I wouldn’t actually go to the gym if I didn’t have an appointment with somebody”.

Some people will have the best of intentions but if something comes up, they will cancel their own plans in favour of something that is more important, especially if they haven’t got it in their diary. Having an appointment or a set time that you have blocked off for training eliminates this problem. If you have it booked in, you are more likely to go.

Another one said it as blatantly as, “I’m just looking for an expensive workout partner”.

Class. Years ago I would have called bullshit on these reasons but as I encounter them more and more, I’ve concluded that they are legit. Perhaps, in some cases, more legit than weight loss and muscle gain goals.

Sign up on the right-hand side if you need to get out of the house, feel better, and/or just want a kick in the hole to actually turn up to the gym.

Bryan Kavanagh BSc. CSCS

Bachelor of Science, Sport Science and Health, Dublin City University
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Lv3, Sport Massage Therapist
Certified Personal Trainer